
A couple of weeks ago I was meeting a friend for a few drinks. I left the house at nine and although it was dark I felt reasonably safe (what woman ever feels completely safe at night?!) since the bus stop is only five minutes away. A car pulled up outside the newsagents and the driver wound down his window and started calling out ‘hey gorgeous’ ‘oi pretty over here’. I’m sad to say that like most women I’m used to this kind of thing and I was trying my best to ignore him although I was really irritated. This clearly pissed him and he yelled out, ‘Do you even speak English?’. I turned round and tried to tell him calmly that I didn’t have to reply to him, at which he started swearing profusely. As I was walking away he yelled out that I should get myself to the gym and do some squats and get myself an arse! How many times when I have ignored a man’s advance have I been called ugly, stuck up, a bitch etc!!! It makes me so mad. And I really wanted to turn round to him and say ‘You know what, I do go to the gym, I do workout but not to please you but so that I can defend myself from creeps like you’. But I didn’t say anything more and he just kept kept laughing as I walked away.