
So recently I’ve been reading these things, following feminist accounts, and doing these things since I believe in the cause of equality of the genders, and I came upon a few posts. Unlike many others, these were actually GOOD ones that were funny and posed good questions such as “Why does a boy suddenly have to change everything about a girl’s life,” and “Why does the majority of society believe that a woman must have a spouse or she’s a failure?” Now, as an aspiring author, I was intrigued. These would make really good writing prompts if used the correct way, and I wondered to myself why I hadn’t seen this before. Romance is NOT a necessity in a woman’s life, and if she wants to live in an apartment with 20 million cats, good for her. So, I’m going to take it upon myself to write a book about that. Not all people get or want a partner. Many work solo and enjoy it. Now, as I’m only 14 and not that good an author yet, it will take time, but I really do want to do this. Honestly I’m not even sure if many people will like it or want to read it, but hey, a good strong feminist can make a good story, even without a guy (talking to u, Disney).