
I was at dinner with friends and one girl came straight from her internship to the restaurant.
Over drinks she mentioned that there weren’t many good looking guys in the office, actually it was mostly younger women and that women held most of the top spots in the company. I said something about girl power and she laughed and said something about the guys not really minding. I said I thought that it was great that the men didn’t feel emasculated by strong women, to which she replied, no i think it’s because they enjoy the pool of attractive girls to look at and that I sounded like a “right feminist”.
I said well yes of course I am, what’s wrong with that, and she said she wasn’t one and that it wasn’t very attractive to men when women are overtly feminist. Also that it’s fine that I am one, but she doesn’t like it when feminists “push their agenda”. As if equality is somehow a nefarious agenda. Honestly, what fresh hell is this? She’ll go along with feminism when it’s under a spice girls slogan, but not when gender equality is actually referred to.
Another girl in this group also said she doesn’t understand why people protest anything, that it’s pointless and women don’t really have anything to complain about nowadays when I mentioned I was thinking about going to a march that was set up to bring attention a speight of rapes and sexual assaults in my area.
This first girl also constantly pushes nights out on the group that boys she’s talking to are going to be at, and on more than one occasion has then cancelled on us after we’ve agreed because she’s got a tinder date instead.
I have no issue at all with her seeing multiple boys and enjoying dating, but it’s getting very hard to mask my irritation whenever she makes her life completely revolve around these boys, especially when she does so in a way that prioritises them over her friends.