
When I have calmly voiced my opinion, I have been told to “calm down and don’t get hysterical” by women and men. Even some women who said that they wanted equality and girls to be “confident” said these kind of things to me. It was hypocrisy and they were just paying lip service to a politically correct point of view so that they could get a good word in with other people.

If I have ever shown any passion or enthusiasm for any subject, I have had disapproving glances and words from women and men.

Then, if I have a blank expression and have to “walk on eggshells” by trying to be rational and serious, I have been accused of not smiling enough. This is rubbish because according to these people smiling too much and/or giggling doesn’t mean you have a valid opinion. You can’t win and as a female I am exhausted. Lots of people seem to want me to reflect back their own opinions and feelings to theme of make them feel better. I don’t seem to be allowed to have any opinions or feelings of my own.

When studying science, I was terrified to become a fan of anything, show any emotion or any enthusiasm at all because I was told that emotion is irrational and should be kept out of science.

Emotions are natural phenomena in primates, so they are science.

When men cheer on football teams, scream, roar, dance, rip their shirts off in celebration or dance, these men are called passionate.

When women scream or cheer they are called hysterical.

It seems that men are freely allowed to express raw emotions whereas women are not. Women have to just act as a comforting sounding board for other people’s emotions.

People say that I am depressed because I have a “chemical imbalance” in my brain.

I think that I am depressed because I have not been allowed to express enthusiasm, express emotions or feel safe.

This is why I will never ever use the word “hysterical” to refer to any one of any gender. I will try and carefully listen to people first before I reach any conclusions however tough it gets.