Out of my way!

Jan Williams

I am a woman of 61, very fit and well and I walk around London a lot. Since I stopped dyeing my hair I have noticed consistently over several years that young people, particularly young men, seem to expect me to get out of their way on a crowded street. I have been knocked aside so often that I now hold an elbow out ready to contact them with it if the collision happens. Should I be looking out for elbow armour? because it still hurts. Paradoxically on the underground men often give me a seat, especially if I wear my red velvet coat or pink fluffy coat. Is this because they get public ‘virtue points’ from doing something so visible to everyone seated in the carriage. Anyway, I always thank them gratefully and accept, though I offer my seat to a pregnant woman or someone who appears to need it more than I do, eg someone using a mobility aid.