fat shaming


A bit of nasty casual fat-shaming by the TLC channel. There’s a programme on called Mama June: From Not To Hot. I don’t watch it, but I gather that Mama June is an American lady who is mother to Honey Boo Boo from Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, & that she used to be a larger lady. I gather that Mama June has lost weight, so now instead of being ‘not’, (as she was when she was big, because of course larger women are perceived as being ugly & unworthy of notice), she is ‘hot’ (because of course slim women are perceived as being attractive). Shame on you, TLC.


Just over a year ago, I had a miscarriage. My cycle still has not gone back to normal and my hormones are still all over the place. I am putting off the place for fear it will be put down to ”just my weight” and I feel like I am wasting doctors’ time and it’s my own problem to fix. I know this is ridiculous, a part of my body isn’t working, and if it was anything else I’d get it sorted. Yet I can’t muster the courage to go to the doctor.


I posted a jokey message on social media about being given the smaller portion of 2 food items because I was a woman and the person after me was my brother. Woke up the next day to find this tweet jumped on by trolls who are continuing to send me sexist and fat-shaming hate. It’s enough to drive me off the social network.