

My friend and I came out of the ladies’ toilet in a club, to find two much 50+ year old men purposely blocking our path. They said ‘We think you two are gorgeous’ and asked us repeatedly if we wanted to go with them, very immediately asking for sex. Another woman we had befriended in the loo tried to tell them that we had boyfriends and to leave us alone- they completely ignored her. She was around 30 and we are 19 so it was pretty obvious the men were targeting us because we’re younger. After their continued harassment where they received no positive response from us (I literally wasn’t looking at them) but I looked up and stuck up my middle finger at them. They were immediately angered and offended, we managed to pass them but they one of them said ‘I’ll follow you home’.


My friend and I were at summer camp and this 8 year old was harassing us, we were 12 and 13 so we didn’t take it seriously. Then lunch time rolls around we are in line and the male counselor tells the 8 year old to knock it off, or basically stop harassing us. The 8 year old who was a boy and we were girls, then proclaims he can do what he wants to woman he is a man. He a 8 year then grabs my friends butt, and we flip around and he grabs my breasts hard and says too bad your flat chested to me. My friend wastes no time running to the nearest counselor and that kid didn’t even want to apologize, so he was taken to the nurses for the day. He later poorly apologized. I took the longest shower of my life after that.


I’m going to a friends birthday event tonight. I thought about wearing a dress but I know I’ll be walking home late and the last time boys thought it was ok to harass me on the way home. I feel like wearing my big coat and glasses is like an invisibility cloak. I’m sick and tired of their attention and it’s the only way to ‘hide’ in plain sight.