

Always being called love, lovely lady, or some such other, in a work setting and on a daily basis. Im not precious about it, but think its wholly unprofessional for anyone (but men mostly do it) to disregard your name or authority / status of position, at work. At worst, it seeks to undermine status and authority with over familiarisation, and at best, is just plain lazy. It makes me feel that they view my hard work is worth less because of the lack of respect shown. I am not your love, or anything other than either your boss, or colleague. Show some respect and learn my name. Leading to: talking over you in meeting, mansplaining, ignoring your requests, repeating your ideas as theirs, and eventually these behaviours manifest as actions.


Received an email from a male colleague, telling me he’d migrated to my office and would be sitting at my desk from now on. He “thought it courteous to give me a shout, and should I have a problem to let him know” I did have a problem I (only woman in department) now didn’t have a desk or anywhere to sit in the office, he now had two desks? when I pointed this out and asked him to return to his actual desk his response was “well motherhood hasn’t mellowed you”. At this point I thought talking about the issue was futile so I proceeded to sit at his actual desk and put his things into the bin. Yes a little passive aggressive but funnily enough he soon returned to this desk in a huff expressing I was an uptight bitch.