
Hi, I’m twelfth years old and am new to the website and sort of nervous about using it really. I found all the things Laura Bates said in her Ted Talks really relatable and inspiring; I’m writing about some comments I can sometimes get of people, grown ups, about my appearance that have only just started bothering me.
I wouldn’t say I’m really skinny but I’m fairly slim. Sometimes when I can squeeze past small gaps, adults say things like: “oh show off”, “I’d love to be as skinny as you” or “smallskinny thing.”
Thing. I know it shouldn’t bother me but it seems that, in this society, if you mention someone as being fat, it’s an insult but if you comment of them being skinny, it’s a compliment.
I realized this bothered me when I began deliberately eating surgry foods (even though it makes me feel sick and I hate the taste) so I can fatten up. I started looking at my reflection and thinking ‘you look like a skeleton’ or ‘you look unwell.’
Just to warn people that it is never okay to comment people’s bodies.