Let’s Be kinder

There’s a new trend of video on you tube called “makeup deception” where they show a young woman plain faced and then full faced very good, with professionally applied makeup – before and after.

Why the hell is it deception? Basically saying it’s dishonest and unfair to men to pretend to be prettier than you are?
You literally can’t win with the make up thing.
If you don’t wear it you aren’t making an effort or are a prude or hate men or a chav skank.
If you do wear it you’re a tart or desperate
Now if you wear it incredibly well you’re being deliberately dishonest to the poor male victim?
Implying he was only interested in talking to you because he thought you had model looks? But now look what he’s stuck with?
Patronising to most men who are being let down by a very loud laddish minority.

“Makeup Deception”. Warning the lad boys that women are false.
Be they don’t have “tie deception” for smartly dressed men.