
This is one of those niggling little examples of sexism. That constant drip-drip-drip of of casual sexism dressed up as ‘humour’ or ‘light-heartedness’ that really gets under the skin….
Sky News today reported on the newly-built HMS Elizabeth leaving a shipyard in Scotland and heading into the open water. Because of the vast size of the ship, there was only 14 inches free space either side of the ship as it passed through a gap. Kay Burleigh commented “They probably need a woman to navigate it”. This is so insulting to all the sons and husbands out there who are perfectly capable of navigating a huge ship – including MY youngest son who is currently serving a a first officer on a container ship.
There is absolutely NOTHING to suggest that a woman can navigate better than a man, or vice versa.
This kind of casual ‘humorous’ sexism MUST stop!!