
I saw your article in The Telegraph and felt like I needed to share my experience I had today.
I, like many others right now, experienced catcalls and harassment during my allotted exercise time today.
This is the first time I’ve plucked up the courage to go for a run rather than do a garden work out since the lockdown started. I have pretty bad anxiety issues as it is so it was tough but I was proud of myself for finally getting out there…until I got to the end of my road and was faced with a group of road-workers.
They whistled, clapped and even shouted “come back I love you” as I passed by, I even made sure to walk so I didn’t make anything “jiggle” in front of them.
I started to question my decision to go out in the first place and I felt sick to my stomach but once I’d gotten round a bend I went back to jogging to take my mind off of them.
I’d been more positive and happily running along again until I hear a car beeping, I turn around to see no one else around so I wasn’t sure what the car was beeping at then as they got closer I could see the creepy look on his face as he went past me at a slight slower pace. I felt disgusted again and decided tomorrow I will run in lose clothing just to see if it makes a difference.
Should I feel wrong for deciding to leave the house in my right leggings and fairly tight top? Even if it was paired with my unwashed hair up messily and no makeup on? I don’t know how to feel about my experience and I don’t understand why it was so much worse when something like a worldwide pandemic is happening.