
I was raped at 17 by a colleague double my age. 4 years later and I have had 4 officers assigned to the case after retiring or illness. Each time they left the force I wasn’t informed. This meant months were wasted waiting on replies from numbers and emails no longer in use. Resulting in me having to repeatedly chase up the force. After making a complaint to the police the responded saying they did everything right. They only just spoke to my rapist for the first I’ve last month … 4years later.
At the time my boss didn’t believe me because I came in work the next day (despite hiding in the toilet and having a panic attack for most my shift). I was then told by my boss that conversing with my colleagues about it could result in me being accused of deformation of the company. I’m soon going into 5 years of this process and it’s so slow and angering. I feel failed by the police. Especially when the head of our local police was charged with rape himself. The whole system seems set out to fail me . It’s do disheartening.