
So I’m a 17-year-old blonde, blue-eyed woman who aspires to gain a political foothold in the UK parliamentary system. On a school trip to a relatively local University; Lincoln I experienced sexism from a tutor and former student. Myself and fellow students (most of which happened to be women) with-in my group were questioned on possible subject choices as this was an open day. One chose Drama and Theatre. The second chose Biochemistry (a man). The third chose Biology. The fourth chose Art and Design. Then it came to me; I decided on History and Politics. The tutor’s facial expression changed immediately and interrogated me on predicted grades, my reasoning and whether I believed I was capable. For the record, I’m predicted AAB at A-Level. However, when it came to a fellow student (a man) who also wanted to study Politics, he received no such treatment or interrogation. There was no justification needed. I definitely won’t be going to that University.