
I was traveling on an old-fashioned train where you can only push the door open once the train has completely stopped. There are two doors right next to each other, I was standing next to the right one, holding on to the bar between the two. As we get closer to a station, people start to stand behind me, then someone goes up to the left door. Must be in a hurry, I thought. Then, as the train starts to break, I start to watch out for the moment in which I can start opening the door, without locking it (locks if someone tries to open it too early). Then the person next to me extends their hand OVER MINE to open the RIGHT DOOR. He was standing beside the left door, but he had to go and try to open the damn left door, which he could not, because he tried too early (guess why I was waiting… It’s not because I cannot open a door). I offered help, even though he was very impolite, which he did not reply to (because I do not go into other’s personal space without them allowing or asking for it, I did not help). Then voila, he succeeded at opening a damn door. How gracious. And he was not even in a hurry, because then he offered me to go first! Why the hell would someone think that is polite to do? I am perfectly capable of opening a door myself, and I don’t make people wait behind us in the process. I am bothered by this because it was the least useful/smart thing someone could do. If he opened the door on his side, I could have opened it my side, and not make people wait in the process, and him not getting closer to me than I would have liked to. I told him I can open a door and left.